Hunsdon Area Neighbourhood Plan to Parish Council Annual Meeting 2021

You can read the Hunsdon Area NP Report below, or download the document as a pdf

  1. The full draft of the Plan and ancillary documents are all on the NPG website

It is a Local Plan for Hunsdon, separate from the larger one for the Gislton Development, so it encompasses the Parish Area less the part which falls withing the Gilston development, broadly the Airfield and Village 7.

  1. We have put the draft plan through its first public consultation which finished in March this year and are now, as a Group and with our planning consultant, in the course of a full review all the responses to the draft Plan from residents, who gave it their overall support, and the statutory consultees like EHDC, Herts CC, Environment Agency, Historic England and local landowners. This process will take a couple of months. It may involve some further discussions with some of the consultees.
  1. When this is concluded we will produce the next version of the Draft Plan with legal documentation, for East Herts DC to submit to the next round of Public Consultation.
  1. On finances for the year ended 31 March 2021, all our funds, receipts and payments pass through and are part of the Parish Council Accounts but in summary:

Received during year:
From Locality Grant (Central Government) – £3000

Total Paid during year:
Planning Consultant – £4875
Administration £250
IT and Misc. expenses £250

Balance met by Parish Council £2375

Frank O’Shea
26 April 2021

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