As you may know, in conjunction with Hunsdon Parish Council we have submitted our local Neighbourhood Plan for the Hunsdon Area to East Herts Council.
It is now open to public consultation until 17th February 2022 – the consultation is being conducted by East Herts Council and full details are available on its website here.
You can fill out an online comment form here or download a paper copy here.
Express your support for the plan by choosing Support from the drop-down menu.
The Plan itself is also available to read on our own website along with all the ancillary documents that go with it.
The Hunsdon Area covers Hunsdon Parish, with the exception of the parts already covered by the parallel Neighbourhood Plan with the parishes of Eastwick and Gilston, called the Gilston Area Neighbourhood Plan.
The Hunsdon Plan is designed to shape and influence what development may occur in Hunsdon up to 2033 and has been prepared after extensive consultation with all residents of the Parish and with other stakeholders.
The Plan demands protection for our landscape, heritage and the essential quality of living for both the existing community and future residents.
Thank you as ever for your assistance and input.
– Hunsdon Area Neighbourhood Plan Group